
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kim's Detox Top Ten

But first a riddle for you:

What is black, smooth, strong, tasty, smells great, makes your heart flutter, and gives you a euphoric and shaky feeling after you have it?
Will Smith? Good Guess. Denzel Washington? Not quite. Ty Diggs...hmmm....
i couldn't resist.
NOPE. It's COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my fourth and final day of detox. So as I read the criteria for week 2 of my "Whole Body Action Plan" I noticed the blurb "consume caffeine in moderation". Well, that's all I needed. I dropped the magazine, ran into the kitchen to replace the blender with my trusty Braun: You and I, my friend, are going to rendezvous Sunday morning.

I woke up this morning at 6:30 am ready to start the grinder. But I forced myself to shut my eyes for another hour or so of sleep until I heard the yelps of a 6 and 4 year old happily playing "Alvin and the Chipmunks" in the basement (yes, they are that loud that we can hear them 2 floors away). I shot out of bed like a little kid on Christmas morning and flew downstairs to grind up my little bean friends from Columbia. I impatiently stood over the coffeemaker, watching black liquid gold fill the carafe. At the first sip I can feel that lovely caffeine pulsating through my veins. AHHHHHH.... But after my second cup I've got the sweats and feel jittery, buzzed up and a little sick. What is that? It's only 2 cups of coffee...not a 5th of Jack Daniels! OK, OK. Perhaps I overdid it a little just tasted SOOOO good.

So what does week 2 of the plan have in store for me?
  • Eat the rainbow-aim for 7 servings of fruit and veggies a day (remember that smoothie already had 5 1/2!)
  • Go veggie for main dishes- at least 2 main dishes meat-free
  • Stick to whole grains- 3 to 6 servings of high-fiber grains (such as quinoa, barley, bulgur, oats, or brown rice), and pass on the white bread, rice, or pasta. What in the heck is quinoa? Gotta try that out...

Easy enough. Here is a good link about simple food switches included with week 2's plan:

Finally, here are the top 10 things I learned while putting my body in detox:

10. It IS possible to watch Grey's Anatomy without drinking a big glass of red wine.

9. By cutting out my 3 pm Diet Coke, I didn't binge on sweets and junk before dinner.

8. By cutting out dairy, my lower GI tract is a lot happier.

7. A girl CAN NOT snack on raw veggies and almonds alone.

6. I actually like spinach in my smoothies and so do my kids.

5. But when you consume 16 cups of spinach over a 4 day period, some interesting things come out of your body.

4. That being said, this would be something great to do before bathing suit season. I lost 3 lbs!

3. I was not the raving psycho I thought I'd be without caffeine.

2. I was not the raving psycho I thought I'd be without alcohol.

1. It takes an enormous amount of willpower to do something like this, but it can be done! :o)

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